Project of the Year: 2005
Post Genomic Building
(Subsequently more formally named Institute for Genomic Biology)
Location: University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Approximate Value: $350,000
Scope: Furnish and install brick-clad chimneys, acid-washed stone-like cornice panels, and stone clad spandrels.
Challenges: Primary challenges were logistics, scheduling, and coordination. We came on board late, replacing a departed other precaster, the site was very tight and busy, the pieces were not contiguous, neither the GC nor mason were familiar with what they were expected to supply for the stone-clad pieces, and we started the job by raising serious issues about the adequacy of the parapet backup. Everything got resolved and the GC and architect were quite pleased with us
Architect: CUH2A - Peter Frisbie (312) 207-4232
General Contractor: Williams Brothers Construction - Joe Williams (309) 688-0416